DFTV, the complete reel. A compilation of everything on this page, loads as one video. Just click, sit back, have some popcorn, and enjoy.
Orkin: Dead Bug Doug. This record-breaking test campaign so infuriated the pest control industry that it never ran nationally, killing Doug.
Lithonia Lighting. This new product launch introduced new designs in fluorescents and sales lit up 22% beyond expectations.
Red Cross: Only Time. This combined TV and Radio campaign began as just a brochure rewrite. A pitch to the client turned into TV, then radio, then 30% more blood donations.
Red Cross: Decrease Demand. Almost 50% of the donations came from brand new donors. Both the TV and Radio also won multiple awards, including a national PRSA Silver Anvil.
Orkin: Brazilian Bug Spray. Another test campaign. Orkin claimed to be the "World's Best Pest Control". But what does that mean, say, compared to Brazil?
Orkin: Australian Termites. More "World's Best." A 30-second comparison of the fun science found in international termite eradication techniques.
Central/BBVA Compass Bank: $1.83 Checking. Alabama's 4th largest bank grew to #3 less than 6 months after this campaign broke.
Central/BBVA Compass Bank: Saturday Banking. Hold on. Who's that familiar off-camera voice? I bet Mary Tyler Moore would know.
Snyder's Automotive: Cheap TV. The client, about to fire the agency, dictated, "Your production budget is only $100." If you want cheap, I can do cheap.
Snyder's Automotive: Cheap TV2. They sold so many cars, they decided to keep the agency. See, I can rescue doomed accounts and do retail.